“There has never been a more important time in our industry to have complete control over your store’s inventory dollars!  The Bankson Group will ensure you have all the tools in place to see where the inventory dollars are hiding.”

“From my perspective, I appreciate the way Ken, David, and Gord use the Management One reporting to drill down into the old merchandise that has not sold.  As Buyers, we all think we are good at buying the “good” merchandise.  However, admitting we were wrong and clearing out of outdated merchandise hurts, but is necessary to get our open-to-buy back. 

It is after the first 12 months with The Bankson Group that you will begin to reap the benefits of better buying decisions and more cash flow.  The monthly ‘check-ins’ that we have with Ken, David, and Gord (and quite frankly, ourselves) keep us all working toward the same goal. There has never been a more important time in our industry to have complete control over your store’s inventory dollars!  The Bankson Group will ensure you have all the tools in place to see where the inventory dollars are hiding.”

- Kevin Phelps, President of Retail Operations, University of Wisconsin-Madison